Beiträge von sLaYeR

    Achja, hab vergessen zusagen dass ich cSro spiele und es da keine Vigors beim npc gibt. Ich benutze Large Pots (gibt ja xlarge nur in web item mall) und use hp pots bei 70% und mp pots bei 50%. Bless, Earth Fence und zerk nur beim Giant. Hab mir schon ein SOS Robe Set D10 gekauft.. Soll ich stattdessen LA nehmen?


    ich bin full int Wizard lvl 84(10,5k hp) (wiz/cleric 82ff) mit som +3 robe set D9 und D9 acc mit guten blues und nem Som Staff D9 +5 und habe das problem dass ich sogar im jg cave bei den 81er mobs dauernd verrecke(21 mal in 24 Stunden). Ich hab einfach keine Ahnung wo ich leveln soll.. ich levele grundsätzlich ohne Life Turnover.
    Wo soll ich leveln?-_- Bitte keinen Verweis auf den "Wizard Guide für Frischlinge", da sind die lvl plätze schlecht..

    Hatte den bot large pots kaufen lassen, aber irgendwie gibts die netmehr in donwhang xDD Daran lags :D
    Hab neues Script von Hotan aus gemacht :)

    kann geclost werden.


    ich benutze ein script von donwhang ins jangan cave, gestern hat es noch tadellos gefunzt und nun bleibt der bot mitten in jangan stehen (porte von dw aus) und macht return scroll an. Das log sagt er hat keine MP pots, aber wieso kauft er keine? Gestern gings noch..

    [16:46:47] Start training
    [16:46:47] Townthread started...
    [16:46:47] [AUTOLOGIN] Finished
    [16:46:48] Start training
    [16:46:52] Starting shopping...
    [16:46:52] DW
    [16:46:58] Stop training
    [16:46:59] Townthread finished
    [16:47:06] Start training
    [16:47:06] Townthread started...
    [16:47:11] Starting shopping...
    [16:47:11] DW
    [16:47:29] Sorting storage...
    [16:47:29] Sorting storage finished
    [16:48:05] Cannot find item to buy
    [16:48:05] Cannot find item to buy
    [16:48:20] Bought 1 pieces of Drug of wind
    [16:49:05] Shopping finished...
    [16:49:05] Start walk to train place...
    [16:49:06] Horse spawned
    [16:49:11] Could not find teleporter with TID 2095
    [16:49:58] Ridepet despawned
    [16:51:00] Too far to next walkpoint. Teleport to town now...
    [16:51:32] Pickpet despawned
    [16:51:32] Europe
    [16:51:33] Townthread finished
    [16:51:34] Pickpet spawned
    [16:51:39] Townthread started...
    [16:51:44] Start walk to train place...
    [16:51:46] Horse spawned
    [16:51:49] Could not find teleporter with TID 2095
    [16:52:36] Ridepet despawned
    [16:53:32] Too far to next walkpoint. Teleport to town now...
    [16:54:04] Pickpet despawned
    [16:54:05] Townthread finished
    [16:54:06] Europe
    [16:54:07] Pickpet spawned
    [16:54:13] Townthread started...
    [16:54:18] Start walk to train place...
    [16:54:21] Horse spawned
    [16:54:24] Could not find teleporter with TID 2095
    [16:55:11] Ridepet despawned
    [16:56:08] Too far to next walkpoint. Teleport to town now...
    [16:56:15] Stop training
    [16:56:17] Townthread finished
    [16:56:42] Successfully loaded walkscript
    [16:56:43] Saved settings
    [16:56:46] Start training
    [16:56:46] Townthread started...
    [16:56:51] Starting shopping...
    [16:56:51] DW
    [16:57:10] Sorting storage...
    [16:57:10] Sorting storage finished
    [16:57:55] Cannot find item to buy
    [16:57:55] Cannot find item to buy
    [16:58:36] Bought 3 pieces of Dragon Horse
    [16:58:48] Shopping finished...
    [16:58:48] Start walk to train place...
    [16:58:49] Horse spawned
    [16:58:56] Pickpet despawned
    [16:58:56] Ridepet despawned
    [16:58:56] Townthread finished
    [16:58:57] Europe
    [16:59:20] Horse spawned
    [16:59:20] Pickpet spawned
    [16:59:26] Townthread started...
    [16:59:31] Start walk to train place...
    [16:59:48] Back town because not enough MP pots
    [17:00:19] Ridepet despawned
    [17:00:19] Pickpet despawned
    [17:00:19] Townthread finished
    [17:00:19] Europe
    [17:00:24] Horse spawned
    [17:00:24] Pickpet spawned
    [17:00:31] Townthread started...
    [17:00:36] Starting shopping...
    [17:00:36] DW
    [17:00:55] Sorting storage...
    [17:00:55] Sorting storage finished
    [17:01:33] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:01:33] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:02:12] Bought 1 pieces of Dragon Horse
    [17:02:25] Shopping finished...
    [17:02:25] Start walk to train place...
    [17:02:28] Could not find teleporter with TID 2095
    [17:03:16] Ridepet despawned
    [17:04:16] Too far to next walkpoint. Teleport to town now...
    [17:04:47] Pickpet despawned
    [17:04:47] Europe
    [17:04:48] Townthread finished
    [17:04:50] Pickpet spawned
    [17:04:56] Townthread started...
    [17:05:01] Start walk to train place...
    [17:05:02] Horse spawned
    [17:05:10] Pickpet despawned
    [17:05:10] Ridepet despawned
    [17:05:10] Europe
    [17:05:11] Townthread finished
    [17:05:17] Horse spawned
    [17:05:17] Pickpet spawned
    [17:05:23] Townthread started...
    [17:05:29] Start walk to train place...
    [17:05:45] Back town because not enough MP pots
    [17:06:16] Ridepet despawned
    [17:06:16] Pickpet despawned
    [17:06:17] Townthread finished
    [17:06:17] Europe
    [17:06:21] Horse spawned
    [17:06:21] Pickpet spawned
    [17:06:26] Townthread started...
    [17:06:31] Starting shopping...
    [17:06:31] DW
    [17:06:57] Sorting storage...
    [17:06:57] Sorting storage finished
    [17:07:34] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:07:34] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:08:20] Bought 1 pieces of Dragon Horse
    [17:08:34] Shopping finished...
    [17:08:34] Start walk to train place...
    [17:08:42] Ridepet despawned
    [17:08:42] Pickpet despawned
    [17:08:42] Europe
    [17:08:48] Townthread finished
    [17:08:51] Horse spawned
    [17:08:51] Pickpet spawned
    [17:08:57] Townthread started...
    [17:09:02] Start walk to train place...
    [17:09:19] Back town because not enough MP pots
    [17:09:28] Stop training
    [17:09:28] Townthread finished
    [17:09:50] Ridepet despawned
    [17:09:50] Pickpet despawned
    [17:09:51] Europe
    [17:09:55] Horse spawned
    [17:09:55] Pickpet spawned
    [17:12:07] Ridepet despawned
    [17:12:07] Pickpet despawned
    [17:12:07] Client closed connection (0)
    [17:12:07] Stop training
    [17:12:07] [AUTOLOGIN] Start
    [17:12:07] [AUTOLOGIN] Delay by 1 minutes
    [17:13:07] Starting "D:\Programme\Silkroad\sro_client.exe /4 1 0"
    [17:13:13] Connecting to loginserver ' ('...
    [17:13:31] Request serverlisting...
    [17:13:40] [AUTOLOGIN] Send data to loginserver
    [17:13:41] Connecting to worldserver...
    [17:13:51] Successfully logged into the worldserver
    [17:13:53] Requesting characterlisting...
    [17:13:54] Found 1 characters
    [17:13:54] Found character "StarStriKe"
    [17:14:06] [AUTOLOGIN] Select character
    [17:14:13] Europe
    [17:14:23] Pickpet spawned
    [17:14:40] Start training
    [17:14:40] Townthread started...
    [17:14:41] [AUTOLOGIN] Finished
    [17:14:45] Starting shopping...
    [17:14:45] DW
    [17:15:06] Sorting storage...
    [17:15:06] Sorting storage finished
    [17:15:45] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:15:45] Cannot find item to buy
    [17:16:37] Shopping finished...
    [17:16:37] Start walk to train place...
    [17:16:42] Horse spawned
    [17:16:45] Could not find teleporter with TID 2095
    [17:17:33] Ridepet despawned
    [17:18:30] Too far to next walkpoint. Teleport to town now...
    [17:19:01] Pickpet despawned
    [17:19:02] Europe
    [17:19:02] Townthread finished
    [17:19:04] Pickpet spawned
    [17:19:10] Townthread started...
    [17:19:15] Start walk to train place...
    [17:19:19] Horse spawned
    [17:19:29] Pickpet despawned
    [17:19:29] Ridepet despawned
    [17:19:31] Europe
    [17:19:37] Townthread finished
    [17:19:41] Horse spawned
    [17:19:41] Pickpet spawned
    [17:19:46] Townthread started...
    [17:19:51] Start walk to train place...
    [17:20:08] Back town because not enough MP pots
    [17:20:39] Ridepet despawned
    [17:20:39] Pickpet despawned
    [17:20:40] Townthread finished
    [17:20:40] Europe
    [17:20:43] Horse spawned
    [17:20:43] Pickpet spawned
    [17:20:49] Townthread started...
    [17:20:54] Starting shopping...
    [17:20:54] DW
    [17:21:21] Sorting storage...
    [17:21:21] Sorting storage finished
    [17:21:32] Stop training
    [17:21:32] Townthread finished

    Loginservers down. kann bisschen dauern


    Das mit dem closed hast du ganz bestimmt nicht zu entscheiden.
    Da es an den Loginservern von Joymax liegt, ist die Frage nun geklärt, danke an alle Beteiligten.

    Kann geclost werden.

    wenn ich Silkroad mit Sbot starte und dann ganz normal die Accountdaten eingebe, steht zwar unten links "Requesting user information" aber dann passiert nix mehr und es geht wieder weg. Das hier sagt Sbot:

    [19:21:50] * Checking for updates...
    [19:21:51] * Finished checking for updates!
    [19:21:57] * Language packet: Detected english language!
    [19:21:57] * Starting SRO Client!
    [19:22:03] * Waiting for handle...
    [19:22:32] * Client polls serverlist
    [19:23:02] * Client polls serverlist
    [19:23:07] * Client polls serverlist

    Hab das erst seit ca 30 Minuten, davor ging es ganz normal.

    Warum geht das netmehr?


    Vorab, es geht um cSro.
    Hab mein Flagship grad updaten lassen und nun sieht das Interface anders aus als vorher und ich weiß net wie ich den jetzt starten soll xDD
    Hier mal ein Bild:

    Hatte grad dc in csro und wenn ich mit mbot client starten will kommt folgendes:
    [00:28:50] Starting "D:\Programme\Silkroad\sro_client.exe /4 1 0"
    [00:28:59] Connecting to loginserver ' ('...
    [00:29:01] ERROR: Cannot connect to loginserver [10061]
    [00:29:01] Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.
    [00:29:01] Stop training

    was bedeutet das?

    habe vor einiger Zeit mal ne Global mit der Frage geschrieben, ob man durch das Premium Expert Package für 120(?)Silk direkt auf den Server kommt, wie es beim Premium Plus der Fall ist. Es haben aber viele ja und auch nein gesagt, was ist denn nun richtig?xD
