Beiträge von deLuxE1337

    Dear JOYMAX,
    Im playing and enjoying iSRO for about 5 years now.
    I never used a bot and I also have only 1 char, which is currently Lv87.
    If you check my off- and online sessions you can clearly see, that I have never botted.
    If you also check the IP you can also see that my char has allways logged in from one IP, my IP.

    I have been away from iSRO for about 1 month due to work & school.
    I wasn't able to take note of the announcement regarding the email verification of accounts.
    Today I have logged in and I was shocked because my char has been robbed.
    My char is naked, all my gold and items are gone.
    Also my silk items have been sold.

    I have no idea how someone could get my ID & PW since I never used any tools for iSRO.
    I am also aware that many other users chars have been abused or robbed.

    Please, if you care about your valued and legit users do a rollback.
    A player who used to love iSRO.
    Hello. this is Silkroad Online.
    Dear Valued Customer,
    Greetings from Joymax Customer Support Team!
    We received your message.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
    Due to our security server crash we had to encounter many security and login issues regarding our portal server and our game servers.
    We like to inform you that our support team is currently working on restoring the loss of our valued customers.
    They are currently working on the matter to resolve the issue.
    Rest assured that a solution will be provided to you within the soonest time possible.

    Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
    Have a nice day!

    * Joymax will NEVER ask players about personal & account information, password, and credit card numbers, nor will they ever ask a player for a trade.
    * To prevent the loss of accounts, we strongly recommend our users change password frequently.

    Thank you for emailing Joymax Customer Support.
    For further details and support, kindly visit our website at [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    Sincerely yours,
    Joymax Customer Support Team


    kann man unter momentanen umständen als "hackanfrage" bezeichenen.

    Kleiner tipp: auf der joymax seite gibt es ein passwort vergessen knopf.^^

    ich habe keine email adresse :) und auch wenn es HACKANFRAGE wäre, als ob ihr euer char nicht zurück holen würdet, der char ist seit einem jahr inaktiv :)

    Hallo StageTwo,

    Joymax hat anscheinend bei Premium Expert Package Service "Preffered to game access" rausgetan :) also man wird ab jetz Server Traffic kriegen!

    Was sagt ihr dazu? Also ich werde bestimmt kein ~300 Silk für Prem+ ausgeben

    Hello. this is Silkroad Online.

    Dear Valued Customer,

    Greetings from Joymax Customer Support Team!

    We received your message.

    We like to inform you that there is nothing wrong with our new system. Users can now modify their personal account password and it will only require users own personal ID and secret answer. To secure your account information we suggest that you do the Email Verification Process.

    Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
    Have a nice day!
    * Joymax will NEVER ask players about personal & account information, password, and credit card numbers, nor will they ever ask a player for a trade.
    * To prevent the loss of accounts, we strongly recommend our users change password frequently.

    Thank you for emailing Joymax Customer Support.
    For further details and support, kindly visit our website at

    Sincerely yours,
    Joymax Customer Support Team

    Das Spiel ist Kostenlos. Wofür willst du also eine Entschädigung?

    b2t: @deluxE: Türlich gibt es dort "Menschen" die Arbeiten, sonst könntest du ja dein Silk nicht Invenstieren um überhaupt Silkroad zu Spielen. Es kommt mir so vor als würdet ihr alle denken, dass die das zu Spaß machen nur um zu ärgern oder was auch immer.


    Silk wird automatisch gesendet / gecharged. und die liegen eh grad im bett und warten bis 03:00 oderso ist dann fangen die wieder an zuarbeiten :)

    Hört doch auf zu motzen, denkt ihr den Administratoren, die sich gerade um die Server kümmern, macht es Spaß so lange zu arbeiten?

    "arbeiten" wo siehst du hier ne arbeit? :P die habn nen script eingestellt die zeit wird automatisch verschoben :D

    noch knappe 8 minuten, wenn die immernoch closed sind dann gehn die meisten eh afk, von daher viel spaß noch beim warten!

    Edit: Anticipated Duration for Maintenance : 13:00 ~ 03:00 :D

    ja botten können wir ned aber, bisschen mehr erfahrung sammeln, weiss zb immernoch ned genau was das für ein event ist, oder was für ein antibot system die rausgebracht haben :)

    EDIT: Anticipated Duration for Maintenance : 13:00 ~ 06:00