Beiträge von Sticks

    Also I don't understand why they never answer to any suggestions or discussion on their "official forum".
    It's pretty pointless to bring ideas when you never get any feedback...

    All they always tell is something like: "we are working on something new.. but we won't tell you on what or when we are done!"

    It really became a problem during the last days. Jobbing is boring because thieving is ridiculously hard and you get almost no reward for it. I talked about that several times here but even though it is the official Styx forum, no one of the team ever comments on anything.
    Then they promised new uniques, let us test a pretty weak unique with far too much health and afterwards no one ever heard anything about it again. It is already 4 days ago now.
    Also the forum wanted changes for the uniques because a server based on unique hunting with spawn times around 7h is pretty stupid. Especially since none survives longer than a few minutes..
    Everything you can do atm is botting.
    Less end-content than Diablo 3.

    Oh.. ganz vergessen. Deutsche die schlecht spielen "trollen" ja nur.. könnten es eigentlich immer viel besser!
    Man hat gesehen, dass du einfach überfordert und zu schlecht warst. Mehr steckt da nicht hinter. Es gibt auch keine Ausreden für gar keinen Farm.
    Du schaffst es nicht auf 1,2k Elo zu gewinnen, weil du nicht gut genug bist. Wenn dich jemand carrien würde mit dem neuen Acc, was sehr unrealistisch ist, die ersten 10 matches zu gewinnen, wenn man selbst so schlecht ist, dann würdest du einfach von 1700, im Laufe der nächsten 50 matches, wieder auf 1200 landen. Wo ist dann da der Sinn? Willst du allen auf Gold das Spiel versauen? Auch spielt man keine 1700er rankeds ohne überhaupt wirkliche Runen oder ausreichenden Champion Pool zu haben.
    "Konnte zumindest nachdem mein Turm wegwar farmen und hab dann am Schluss auch nochmal Schaden machen können."
    Weil du einfach alleine vom Team weg bist zum Farmen im Mid Game.. das ist genau was man da machen sollte!!11
    So ein Verhalten sollte man nicht stolz streamen sondern sich eher schämen und hoffen, dass man nicht gebannt wird.

    Fairy Tail und Naruto sind ausgelutschter Shounen Müll. Blabla bla wir müssen unsere Freunde beschützen und ganz stark werden! Nakama-Power!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111
    Fairy Tail kann man sich nebenbei anschauen und ist dafür ganz ok, aber nicht was man als "guten Anime" bezeichnet. Das sind eher so die Serien, die jeder, der nicht wirklich Ahnung hat, kennt und sie deshalb weiterempfiehlt. Das ist so, als ob man Pop-Musik von Rihanna oder wem auch immer weiterempfiehlt, weil man sonst nichts kennt.
    Gut bewertete Serien hier haben schon eher eine Daseinsberechtigung:
    Ich kann zwar mit Gintama nichts anfangen und einiges da, so wie Fate/Zero, ist überbewertet, aber das meiste da übertrifft Shounen-Schrott 1000fach. Allein von den Top 30 sind mindestens 20 empfehlenswert ;).
    Kannst mit #2 und #3 anfangen. Dann hast du schonmal 40h was zutun :x (Was weniger ist als bei Naruto oder Fairy Tail, wo man aber das ganze auf 1/10 reduzieren könnte, insofern man belanglose Dialoge entfernt. Besonders bei Naruto. Bei Fairy Tail weniger, da sie eher direkt kämpfen).

    First of all, it was a great idea to let players change their jobs without penalty for Styx points. But there are still some problems:
    1. Only a few people will ever be able to pay 500 Styx Points. Maybe this will be different in future but for now it is too high.
    2. The standard penalty about 7 days till you can join another job is just insanely high. Actually it is faster to create a new char and get it ff in 4-5 days.
    I would recommend to change it to 1day to make it more fair. Also the "Job penalty time reset" for Styx Points will still be attractive.

    Related and also necessary:
    Gold from thiefing

    Selling the loot is almost pointless atm..

    This is what i allready said best would be maps with lvl restriction

    But they come with you need 3 or 4 days to lv90

    We allready have lv90 guys or not
    and it's easy to come lv90 in 2 days

    "best would be maps with lvl restriction"
    "lv90 in 2 days"
    Besides horrible grammar which made it hard to figure out what you are trying to say, it makes absolutely no sense.
    As you already said, no one would have a chance to kill uniques since their levels are too high. It would make the situation even worse since lv90 players will only have 1 or 2 uniques to go for.
    Also many players would just level up a new char to the max level able to attack unique xy and optimize their sets..

    This thread is like writing an email to Joymax where you complain about players waiting for uniques.. Oh and uhm, i'm showing my stupidity? Telling someone that he is stupid for no reason obviously makes you stupid on your own ..

    If I would do it for no reason it would be stupid indeed. Gladly there is a reason: You are posting completely useless flame and nothing else. It's already your 2nd post that has nothing to do with the topic.
    Would you please shut up now and stop spamming?

    Form a party and go for the kill on your own instead of flaming about other ones doing exactly that..

    Where did I say that I got no unique kills yet? Thanks for showing your stupidity here. Sadly it is not the right place to do it.
    It would not solve the problems with any other unique.

    Venuspower :
    I explained you the situation 2 times already and still you talk about something completely different?
    3rd time: It are always the same people because it's their only chance to get a kill for the next 4-7h. If they want a kill, they have no other option than waiting for it. More uniques would mean more chances (for everyone and for them) so they don't "have" to go for EVERY spawn anymore and probably won't do so.

    but if they would spawn them more than now it would be to much :D

    If you don't understand the problems I did talk about, please don't join this discussion. Thank you.
    BECAUSE they are spawning so rare only a few, always the same, people are getting the kills since they will alwys be there with the same party. This would not happen if uniques would spawn more frequently. As I said before, if it wouldn't be up 7h waiting time for Shaitan, not everyone would always go for him...
    "To distribute Styx points on a wider pool of players."

    I did talk about spawning them more often, not too often. To distribute Styx points on a wider pool of players. It won't make an inflation.. (check the thieving thread to do something against inflation ;) (and it seems like you removed zerk scrolls =O ))

    I think it's important to spawn uniques more often due to the things I talked about in my first post.
    When uniques are too rare, everyone will always search for them since it is their only chance for the next 4-7h to get a kill. And again only a few people would get almost every kill.

    powerteacher : Everyone is lv90 and there not that huge differences in itemization. HP should balanced so that uniques are not instantly dead and also not so long alive that you can't get kills with glaive or blade since some nuker is dealing a bit more damage for 10 minutes. But you still should have the chance of a kill even if you arrive a few seconds later, due to better items. This way it would be balanced between "luck" and damage and be more fair than it is right now.

    At the moment unique hunting is only about: who got the fastest reaction and the most Reverse Return Scrolls.
    Uniques like Uru and TG die often in less than 1minute. Lord is dead in 3 minutes and Isy in 2. Shaitan takes 4-5 minutes until he is dead too.

    The Styx Team should really consider to increase the hp of every unique, especially those on lower levels, A LOT! Right now you lost almost all chances to get the kill if your arrive just 5sec after the first one who got the unique.
    Also uniques should spawn more often. Styx points are almost useless while you need too many for buying anything. The Server focuses on killing uniques but most of the 300 players online did probably never even see any. Shaitan took over 7h yesterday to spawn.
    Because uniques spawn too rarely, everyone will always try to get them at the same time which minimizes the chance for most players to ever get a kill.

    the thief rate is the same like the hunter/trader trade!!!!!!

    If u hunt a 5* trade u get i think ~50m. they just upped the gold what one package is worth, so all got more gold.

    The balacne between thiefs and hunter is the same like in isro.

    Thanks for not even reading my posts before posting.
    Traders receive ~3.1 for a trade from Hotan to Jangan. Thieves and Hunter get ~1/5-1/6 of the traders profit. So thieves/hunter get ~13-16mil gold from a traders 80mil profit (5* with loot worth 40mil).
    People will always join the job of a hunter (or trader) because they are needed as long there are traders to make trades successful.
    There is almost no reason for anyone to become a thief. You won't get more gold than a hunter, it is much harder and you are not able to help trades. Since hunters and traders often share their income, you will probably get even much less gold. And since it is unlikely that you will be able to rob a trade completely by yourself, you will probably even get less gold than hunters in general.
    As long as thieves don't get a decent pay for their job, trades will stay boring one-sided gold farming. Let them earn 70-90% of the loots worth to balance it. And HURRY with doing it!

    It's more like you who should use his brain, Hustler. A Hunter gets around 1/5-1/6 of the traders profit. Means ~15mil from a 40mil trade. If Thieves would get ~30mil from a 40mil trade, it would also make the change I talked about.
    But of course, you would exploit it with buying loot for 40mil and sell it for 30mil. HYPERINFLATION!!!
    (kinda sad that people are upvoting his post..)

    You can do trades with loot worth 40mil+. Hotan -> Jangan multiplies it by ~3.1 which means you will make more than 80mil with 1 trade.
    If you want to balance the jobs and encourage more interesting "jobbing" by job wars, thieves have to get more gold than hunters. Otherwise almost everyone will just choose to be hunter.
    This should happen within the next few days since gold already lost its worth and more rare items are not sold since everyone already lost interest in collecting gold due to the fact that sox items will only be traded by silk items.