SEO plugin new installation: no sitemap

  • Hi,

    I just bought your plugin and installed it on a clean installation.

    I activated the sitemaps for ThreadPage and BoardPage, by ticking the enable box in front of the default entries.
    When I manually generate the xml sitemap from the crons list, the sitemaps are not created and the items counter remains empty.

    For the UserList it is working, but if I only enable ThreadPage or BoardPage, the sitemap index remains empty:
    <sitemapindex xmlns=""></sitemapindex>

    The /wcf/sitemap folder exists and is writable.
    I don't get any error message and nothing is written to any log.

    What else can I try to make it work?

    Webserver: nginx
    Database: mysql
    Php: php-fpm
    All latest versions, plugin version: WBB SEO Plugin 1.0.8 pl 6

    Thank you!

    Edit: the php server seems te be out of memory.
    Increasing php memory solved the issue.

    Thank you!