No nginx warning

  • Hi,

    I tried removing the index.php from the urls.

    In the comments you write
    "wird nach dem Speichern eine Warnmeldung angezeigt. Wenn man diese durchließt und wie beschrieben drauf klickt, bekommt man die Nginx configuration die man einfügen muss."

    My webserver is nginx, but I do not get a warning message with explanation on what to add to the nginx config.
    I only get a green success message.
    How can I find out what to add to the nginx configuration file?

    Thank you.

  • Ok, since nobody shared their .htaccess, I wrote following nginx configuration file:
    rewrite ^/blog/(.*)/$ /blog/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/cms/(.*)/$ /cms/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/filebase/(.*)/$ /filebase/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/Board/(.*)/$ /index.php/Board/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/User/(.*)/$ /index.php/User/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/Thread/(.*)/$ /index.php/Thread/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/([a-zA-Z]*)/$ /index.php/$1 break;

    Hopefully it helps someone.
    Note: it may still miss some pages if you have custom plugins or a different url structure.
    Note 2: I first tried a general rule, but then it also rewrote all the .css files.

  • Here my nginx conf part

  • Thank you!
    Glad to see it's so similar to what I wrote. :-)

    Just 1 question:
    Why do you need following line?
    if ($request_uri !~ .*index\.php.*) {

    It seems to work just fine without it?
    The less if's you can have in your nginx config, the better ;-)