Stammtisch: Wir schaffen 8888 Seiten! (1000, 1337, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666 & 7777 geschafft)

  • Greetings, @everyone

    Red Sea - February 2nd 2021

    1. Fixed Jangan and some of Alex NPCs tax to be linked with Hotan Fortress.

    2. Draw reward of Survival arena is now same as lose.

    3. Fixed the Union Party items distribution bug, "Need to be tested i couldn't test alone, report back".

    4. Fixed the Guild Penalty Remover Scroll.

    5. Fixed the Job Penalty Remover Scroll.

    6. Disabled Fellow Pet mounting in Survival Arena Party.

    7. Fixed the Fortress Structures upgrade client crash.

    8. Add a new feature to auto target Unique monsters, default assigned key is J. You can change it at Key bind option.

    9. Increased the level up reward items count to be as the following

    -2x Exp Booster (100%) 1 hour

    -3x Skill Exp Booster (100%) 1 hour

    -15x Reverse Return Scroll

    10. Improved the Big Spider Unique reward, 25 Silver Silks will be given to the killer only. Big Spider spawns outside hotan.

    11. Improved the AFK System as the following:

    -If you are dead in Styria clash for more than 100 seconds you will be disconnected from the game.

    -If you are AFK in Styria clash for more than 120 seconds you will be teleported to town.

    -If you are dead in BOI for more than 100 seconds you will be disconnected from the game.

    -If you are AFK in BOI for more than 120 seconds you will be teleported to town.

    -If you are AFK in Fortress War for more than 100 seconds you will be teleported to town.

    -If you are AFK in Survival Arena for more than 120 seconds you will be teleported to town.

    -If you are dead in Battle Arena for more than 100 seconds you will be disconnected from the game.

    -If you are AFK in Battle Arena for more than 120 seconds you will be teleported to town.

    -If you are AFK in general areas for more than 180 seconds you will receive Sailor special effect.

    12. Added Boxes that will spawn in Styria Clash randomly. Picking up each box, does increases your score by 200. This feature will prevent the players from staying dead, if the AFK system didnt kick in.

    13. Improved the Battle Arena rewards to reduce the difference of defeat with win so new players won't suffer big losses on each match:

    -New win reward: 7 Arena Coins (+1)

    -New defeat reward: 5 Arena Coins (+2)

    14. Modified Holy Water Temple all levels to be played as solo, or in party.

    15. Changed the Plus 10 glow to blue.

    16. Disabled zerk from both SA Individual and Party.

    17. Increased town-to-town gold rates by 35~42% to encourage jobbing in all times regardless special event. Special event times have been reduced to balance out this modification.

    18. All Special Event times duration has been reduced by 1 hour (42% reduction in terms of duration).

    19. Disabled trans pet usage inside Styria Clash.

    20. Re-enabled the attendance event, it starts Feb 1, and ends Feb 28th.

    21. Modified Haroeris rewards as the following:

    -From 50 Silks per party member to 60.

    -From 18 Silver & 18 Gold coins to 24 Silver & 24 Gold coins.

    22. Modified Seth rewards as the following:

    -From 50 Silks per party member to 70.

    -From 20 Silver & 20 Gold coins to 30 Silver & 30 Gold Coins.

    23. Job NPC spawn rate has been reduced by -25% (note that all previous reductions we had on change-log never worked).

    24. Added a new feature that will warn you once you try to go above +5, and your items doesnt have Immortal Stone. No more "My weapon got destroyed".

    25. Reduced Over Healing current values from level 16 to level 15.

    26. Reduced Glut Healing current values from level 7 to level 6.

    27. Paid out thieves contributions.

    28. Increased Thieves contribution calculation by x2 (will be calculated starting from today).



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    Mario Tennis Open
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    den Müll kannst du leider behalten :(


    Ich hab verdammt kurioses Problem...
    Wenn man mich auf mein Festnetztelefon anruft, gehen irgendwelche Asiaten ran. Sind aber nie die selben. 1x wars ein Russe und 1x ein Amerikaner.

    Immer diese Asiaten

  • Auf der PSP hat kai immer Filme für Erwachsene geguckt. Entsprechend gibt es Wiggsflecken gratis dazu.

    Rechtschreibfehler sind Spezialeffekte meiner Tastatur und dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Belustigung!!!