Stammtisch: Wir schaffen 8888 Seiten! (1000, 1337, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666 & 7777 geschafft)

  • 1.12 geht die Saga von Sailor online weiter. Der aktuelle 100 Cap Server wird auf 110 geupdatet.

    Neueste sro Files. Neue Dungeons programmiert und vieles mehr ! Vorteil bei Sailor ist seit 2020: kein pay 2 win! Ich bin seit Tag eins dabei und wer einen Long time Server sucht ist hier genau richtig. Man kommt easy durch die Dungeon an high end gear set


    As we're approaching the date of the massive release of Myths of Alexandria we are noticing a very great interest from players even those who never tried Sailor servers before.

    Some of you are wondering, why we don't reset the server and how are you supposed to compete...

    **Aren't you tired of changing servers every month?**

    In Sailor Online, we're proud to offer a unique alternative. 7 Seas has been sailing strong since April 15, 2022, and we're committed to constant improvement.

    Rather than repeatedly launching new servers, we provide players with a quality, long-term gaming experience they can trust and invest in, a server that won't unexpectedly close one day.

    Please ask yourself the following, do you prefer to be behind for a few days and then enjoy the server for years or start on a new server which will die out in few weeks?

    **Newcomers, brace for an amazing journey in Myths of Alexandria:**

    1. Capture the Flag event will be exclusively made for you with a level range of 30~99. We also made sure you get some very useful rewards:

    - Faded Beads

    - Experience Increase Scrolls.

    - Magic POP Cards.

    - 11th Degree Elixir & Stone Coupons *(so you never have to worry about falling behind on collecting last degree resources)*

    2. Level experience requirements of 1~100 will be original while 101~110 are multiplied. You can easily reach level 100 while none is 110 yet.

    3. Leveling Competition 1~110 event designed exclusively for new accounts created on Myths of Alexandria. First of newcomers to reach 110 will receive the following rewards:

    - Rank 1: Super rare Supersonic title, Exclusive Pirate Avatar (have never been available before nor will be), Premium PLUS (1 month), Sailor Pass, 500 Silver Silks & Snowman Summon Scroll.

    - Rank 2~8: Exclusive Pirate Avatar (have never been available before nor will be), Premium PLUS (1 month), Sailor Pass, 250 Silver Silks & Snowman Summon Scroll.

    - Rank 9~16: Premium PLUS (1 month), Sailor Pass, 150 Silver Silks & Snowman Summon Scroll.

    - Rank 17~50: Sailor Pass, 100 Silver Silks & Snowman Summon Scroll.

    - Rank 51~100: Sailor Pass, 50 Silver Silks & Snowman Summon Scroll.

    4. The upgraded seasonal system ensures that no matter when you start game activities you will ALWAYS end up collecting the exact same coins other players do. It is impossible to be left behind.

    *[For more details click here](*

    5. Improved level-up rewards. Every 10 levels until level 90 players will be receiving experience & skill experience scrolls greatly boosting their leveling speed!

    6. Bandit Fortress will be exclusively accessible to accounts created on Myths of Alexandria. This creates an exciting competition among new guilds, allowing newcomers to dive into balanced battles right from the start on the server. Moreover, this setup provides a boost to potential newcomer guilds by bolstering their resource economy. Winning the fortress secures them a taxed town of their own, offering substantial advantages

    7. Grace period of 2 weeks (period during when all activities remain unavailable) is introduced ensuring new and returning players have plenty of time to prepare themselves before diving into the competition.

    *All above are still in development and may undergo further refinement before the official release.*

    See you all tomorrow on the Public BETA release!

  • @everyone

    # Bringing True Facts to Light.

    We'd like to inform you that, aside from the **official servers, Sailor Online** is the only **ONE** with the correct full wheels systems. Don't believe any other server that claims to have emulated Wheels or that uses **RIGID** leaked files. There were numerous bugs in Wheels in sro until the beginning of 2020, which were later fixed by WMX as evidenced by change logs. We won't list all of the bugs, but many are critical and have an impact on game play. The fact that wheels and alchemy items function correctly does not imply that the system is bug-free. Sailor Cap 140 was released in May 2020 with fully fixed wheels, later Red Sea and 7 Seas, you know what that means, don't you?

    Assure that Sailor is of high quality, and that nothing is released until we are confident that it is completely correct and functional. Sailors, you have high expectations of us, and we cannot disappoint you just to waste your time and effort. For the first time, there is a large community that values quality over greenbacks. We are grateful for your time and effort. But, because we care deeply about this community, we wanted to share a few facts with you before engaging in a comparison or an argument.

    Sailor is the most up to date server till this moment



  • @everyone

    🏛️ Alexandria will be our new home city, so we wanted to take care of it...

    Remember this annoying stairs bug that existed since the official 110 CAP release? Well, **we've finally fixed all the bugged stairs in Alexandria!**

    Your character will no longer bug out walking through the streets of the city!



    Was joymax nicht juckt fixed alles megamax!!!